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Uses the R package gt to create a pretty html table of the nflseedR simulation summary data frame.


# S3 method for nflseedR_simulation
summary(object, ...)



an object for which a summary is desired.


additional arguments passed on to the methods (currently not used).

Output of below example


# \donttest{
# set seed for recreation,
# internal parallelization requires a L'Ecuyer-CMRG random number generator
set.seed(19980310, kind = "L'Ecuyer-CMRG")

# Simulate the season 20 times in 1 round
sim <- nflseedR::simulate_nfl(
  nfl_season = 2021,
  fresh_season = TRUE,
  simulations = 20
#>  17:55:30 | Loading games data
#>  17:55:30 | Beginning simulation of 20 seasons in 1 round
#>  17:55:36 | Combining simulation data
#>  17:55:36 | Aggregating across simulations
#>  17:55:36 | DONE!

# Create Summary Tables
tbl <- summary(sim)
#> Warning: Since gt v0.9.0, the `colors` argument has been deprecated.
#>  Please use the `fn` argument instead.
#> This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.

# The output of tbl is given in the above image.
# }