Verify Custom NFL Result Simulation Function
nflseedR supports custom functions to compute results in season simulations
through the argument compute_results
in the season simulation function
nfl_simulations. To ensure that custom functions work as nflseedR expects
them to, it is recommended to verify their behavior.
This function first checks the structure of the output and then whether game
results are changed as expected. Whenever a problem is found, the function will
error with a hint to the problem (this means that you might be required to
iterate over all problems until the function stops erroring).
See below detail section for more information on expected behavior.
games = nflseedR::sims_games_example,
teams = nflseedR::sims_teams_example
- compute_results
A function to compute results of games. See below detail section for more information on expected behavior.
- ...
Further arguments passed on to
.- games
An NFL schedule where some results are missing.
is supposed to compute those results on a weekly base. Defaults to sims_games_example. Please see this example to understand the required data structure.- teams
A list of teams by simulation number. This is usually calculated automatically and not user facing. It can be used to "transport" team information like elo ratings from one simulated week to the next. Defaults to sims_teams_example. Please see this example to understand the required data structure.
The following sections detail the requirements for the compute_results
function. If anything is unclear, please see the source code of nflseedR's
default function nflseedR_compute_results
Required Function Arguments of compute_results
The function passed to compute_results
is required to support the arguments
, "games"
, and "week_num"
. The two leading ones are already
described above. The latter is a factor with a length of 1, which identifies
the current week. Regular season weeks are labeled "1"
, "2"
, etc.
Playoff weeks are labeled "WC"
, "DIV"
, "CON"
, and "SB"
Required Output Structure of compute_results
The function passed to compute_results
is required to return a list of the
two objects "teams"
and "games"
as passed to it in the arguments of the
same name. The function must not remove rows or columns.
So the last line of compute_results
usually looks like
Required Behavior of compute_results
when Computing Game Results
nflseedR calls compute_results
for every week where a result
is missing
in games
. The variable result
is defined as the point differential between
the home team and the away team. If the home team loses, the value is
therefore < 0, if it wins > 0 and if it ties == 0.
To support elo-based simulations, this is done in a loop so that elo ratings
can be updated based on the results and "transported" from week to week. You
can "transport" ratings or other information by joining them to the "teams"
This behavior requires that compute_results
only changes the results of
the current week - called week_num
. And only if there is not already a
So compute_results
must only compute a result when
For the playoffs, there is also the special case that matches cannot end in a
tie (result == 0
). In most cases, ties are not simulated anyway because
they occur so rarely. But in the event that they are simulated, they must
not be in the playoffs.
#> Warning: A shallow copy of this data.table was taken so that := can add or remove 1 columns by reference. At an earlier point, this data.table was copied by R (or was created manually using structure() or similar). Avoid names<- and attr<- which in R currently (and oddly) may copy the whole data.table. Use set* syntax instead to avoid copying: ?set, ?setnames and ?setattr. It's also not unusual for data.table-agnostic packages to produce tables affected by this issue. If this message doesn't help, please report your use case to the data.table issue tracker so the root cause can be fixed or this message improved.
#> ✔ No problems found!